Q.Cherry ‘Bushes’
I planted a cherry ‘bush’ (this will be its fourth summer) with the understanding that it did not need another fruit tree to cross-pollinate. I’ve had NO fruiting, and this ‘bush’ is about 10′ tall!!
It blossomed last year but barely this spring. It is planted with/near vegetables – asparagus, tarragon, monarda, day lillies, climbing rose, clematis, rhubarb, black raspberries, potatoes, onion/garlic. These all are within a ten foot radius of the cherry bush’s main trunk. The trunk and branches have horizontal markings on the surface, about an inch long. What can I look for as to care of this bush? I want cherries!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Do you see pollinators around the cherry blossoms? Cherries bloom rather early and it may be possible that poor weather is keeping pollinators from your garden that early. Take a look at attracting more pollinators as you will need all you can get that early.
Also, almost all of the plants you listed were not fruit bearing. The exception was blackberry. How is the blackberry production? If it is low too, I would look to a phosphorus deficiency. This can cause problems with plants that produce fruit.