Q.cheese plant problem?
I purchased a cheese plant about 2 weeks ago and i felt like he is doing well, hes sprouting new growth, and growing outwards already. but i have a few issues that might be problems or might be me completly over reacting haha.
The first being drooping/ wilting leaves. This drooping it looks like the leaves are just weak, They are also quite thin and lighter in colour. When I purchased him he had 3 new leaves which had not uncurled yet and about a week ago they uncurled. I put it down to them being new growth and it just needs time to thicken and give the leaves some support. but a week has gone by and it’s only those new 3 just uncurled leaves that are drooping. literally no other leaves are wilting or dropping.
Second issue is one of the leaves appears to have brown spot with a lighter green ring around it, but i have a feeling the leaf was already like that when I purchased him.
I would also like to mention he is positioned about 2 meters from an east facing window, I water him once a week in the morning, I have not repotted him yet and I fed him on a liquid plant food/ fertiliser yesterday.
I will include some photos of the plant, the drooping leaves and the spots on the leaf.
Hopefully you can answer some of my questions as I’ve searched online for ages for answers and no one can seem to answer the questions.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I think you are OK on the new leaves being lighter and a little wilted; I think they are still new. However, instead of watering once a week, water when the top inch or two of soil is dry. Overwatering can cause yellowing and drooping, but I would think it would be most of the leaves.
Your brown spot is a fungal leaf spot and I would remove the whole leaf and destroy it. Here is more information: