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Chaste Trees

Q.chaste tree

Zone 85749 | Adcampbell@comcast.net added on June 7, 2017 | Answered

The tree appears to be alive…some nice green leaves and some flowering, mostly a couple branches on the bottom. There are buds and green, healthy appearing branches[small ones]. BUT no leaves! Leaves start growing and then disappear. I have seen some on the ground at times. No ants or other critters that seem as if they might strip the tree…plus there are leaves only on a couple of bottom twigs. I ‘ve had this tree for three years and it is about 5 feet tall. It is in a sunny place, for most of day, in Tucson, AZ. Soil is sandy. I’ve tried watering it more, but seems to make no difference. Recommendations?? Thanks.

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Answered on June 10, 2017
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