We have a rubber tree plant that I bought from a grocery store about two years ago. It is doing quite well for the most part. However, it has little centipede type things. They don’t go to my other plants, and they don’t seem to harm the plants. We have tried everything form soapy water to actual pesticides to get rid of them and nothing seems to work. Should I be worried? Oh, I don’t know if it matters, but we live way up north in the Yukon Territory of Canada. Also, when is a good time to transplant (rule of thumb plant to pot size)?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
These little pests like damp soil, so to get rid of it, I would recommend letting the soil dry out a bit more between waterings. As I am not sure if they are centipedes (not harmful) or millipedes (harmful), I would recommend that you treat the soil with neem oil. If it is millipedes, the neem oil will help to stop them.