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Centaurea Montana

Q.Centaurean Montana Stopped Producing Seeds. Why?

Zone Topsham, Maine, Zone 5 | Anonymous added on September 12, 2023 | Answered

My Centaurea montana used to produce seeds but stopped. Why and what can I do to get them to produce seeds again?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 13, 2023

Are they actually not producing seed or you aren't seeing new plants in the spring? If you aren't getting new plants it could be they dropped seed, but the birds or other animals got them all. If you aren't seeing any seeds being produced, it could be due to a shorter growing season because of environmental factors. Also, some birds, and even squirrels, will eat immature seeds before they are ripe.

Make sure growing conditions are optimal so the plants will go to seed. If you are deadheading, make sure you leave some of the plants undisturbed. You also can supplement with new seed if the reseeding wanes.

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