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Brussels Sprouts

Q.Caterpillars on My Sprouts

Zone n w england | ashy59 added on September 2, 2011 | Answered

I was wondering if anyone can help me. I am growing sprouts, cabbage and Swede in my garden plot, and although they are doing really well, like a lot of people, I am getting a lot of caterpillar damage. Even though I have netted all of my brassicas and made sure that there are no leaves touching any netting and there is ample height for growth, I am still finding caterpillars on many of my plants. I have staked down all the nets to try and stop butterflies from getting in but to no avail. Does anyone have any ideas on how this is happening and any advice on stopping it?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 5, 2011

The eggs have already been laid in the ground and are now hatching. It sounds like the netting went up too late. In the future, make sure the netting is up as soon as possible.

For this year, try treating the plants with neem oil. It is organic and safe for people and bees and is systemic, so it turns the whole plant into a caterpillar killer. There is also Bt, which can be bought at most garden centers. It is very effective at killing caterpillars.

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