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Garden Pest Control

Q.Caterpillar articles

Zone 91342 | Anonymous added on August 28, 2017 | Answered

This is more of a how to then a question, you guys left out a huge and very simple ways of dealing with these lil destroyers 1st the moth either lays or drops it’s eggs on the plant”tiny of white or gold egg”they luv to do it in the preflower because as it grows it the egg is encapsulated and hidden well then it hatches and starts eating it’s way up and down ur flowers and stems keep plants netted with fine screen to keep the mother moth out in the 1st place.if u really want to see how an egg is planted watch a butterfly or moth when they land you will see them lay the egg it’s sometimes on a tiny lil string or a super tiny lil ball.

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Answered on August 28, 2017

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