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Cassia Trees

Q.Cassia Didymobotrya Popcorn Plant

Zone Yuma AZ 85367 | Anonymous added on March 21, 2018 | Answered

I have read the articles but nothing is said about pruning this plant. Mine is becoming quite large here in Yuma AZ and is still blooming profusely. It is only 1.5 years old as of now.
So my question is: When and HOW to prune this plant, as there are several limbs from the ground up!
Thank you in advance.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 23, 2018

Pruning is actually not recommended in younger plants. Allow it to grow and flower at will. Planting several together can make the appearance more full.
As the plant ages you may began to see less flowering, so this is when you can prune it down; early in spring.


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