Q.Carolina Allspice Shrub Growing Out Of Control.
My grandmother’s garden is being overran by her Carolina Allspice.The past two years keeping it under control has been impossible. We always prune it and the upward growth is fine, however, the roots have spread everywhere and and tall hard shoots grow out of the ground. We have been cutting them down every year but last year it was a constant chore. It has spread outside the boarder of her garden and even under her concrete porch, growing under and out the sides. The growths are thick, difficult to cut back and multiply every year. It is sentimental to the the family as it is from a clipping of her mother’s bush. We are just overwhelmed with trying to control it. Any advice would be appreciated. I unfortunately do not have any photos of it in bloom but I do have a few of the cut areas that we trimmed last year.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
When you cut out the overgrowth or suckers, cut out the root beneath it as well. You can give those away as separate plants. Prune after flowering, and reduce the shrub to a few upright stems. Remove sucker growth as soon as you notice it. Here is more: