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African Daisy Plants

Q.Caring for my osteospermum

Zone Toronto | nemofish added on May 2, 2016 | Answered

I’m new to gardening and I’ve been a fan of the African daisy since I first saw it. I managed to finally find a pot of these beautiful flowers last week from my local florist, but I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong. My flowers seem to be dying and wilting. I’m hoping that deadheading the plant will help and that this is part of the blooms just dying off. I’ve left the plant by the window, in the spot which gets the most sunlight. I live in a condo unit, so there is no balcony to leave the pot outside.

How long do the blooms normally last before I need to deadhead them?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 4, 2016

If you purchased these from a local florist, there's a chance that the plant may have been "forced" to bloom, and now it's trying to go dormant. They don't normally bloom till mid-summer.

These articles may help you:



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Answered on May 4, 2016

I agree with you that the African Daisy plant and flowers are lovely.

The fading of your flowers may be due to natural aging of the flowers, but most likely due to the lack of sunlight.

African Daisy are annuals that are generally grown outdoors.
Your indoor setting is not likely providing the appropriate growing conditions needed.
You could add some artificial light by using a grow light.

Here is an article to refresh you on the care requirements.

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