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Norfolk Island Pine Trees

Q.Caring for a Norfolk Island Pine

Zone Lac Du Bonnet Manitoba Zone 3 | Ron Eldridge added on December 2, 2016 | Answered

I just purchased the plant, and I understand about misting but wondered how much water I should be giving it. The plant is about 3 ft high right now and I have it in the window on the east side of the room. I do not have a southern window to put it in, unfortunately. Any other info on care would be appreciated. We live in Northern Manitoba, where it can get quite cold. Can I leave it in the window on cloudy, cold days?

Look forward to hearing from you.

Ron Eldrdige.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 2, 2016

A plant in a lower light location will use less water than one in a high light location, so the best way to determine when to water is to check the top inch of the soil, and water when it becomes dry. Soon, you'll learn how quickly this happens and develop a watering schedule.

If you place the tree about 6-12 inches back from the window, it should be fine. If it seems stressed by cold days, move it farther away.

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