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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Caring for Zoysia Grass

Anonymous added on April 25, 2014 | Answered

I have had Zoysia grass for 3 years here in Ocoee, Florida. This year it has remained brown longer than usual. Could I have some fertilizing and watering tips. I have heard it requires a lot of nitrogen, but I don’t know.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 25, 2014

I would water once or twice a week only. This creates a healthier grass as the roots grow deeper. The amount you water should be between 1-2 inches (or more), depending on how hot it gets in your area. Prior to fertilizing, I would have the soil tested to see what nutrients the soil may need and the pH. This article will help: https://extension.missouri.edu/publications/DisplayPub.aspx?P=G6706#Maintaining

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