Q.Care of yucca
We have some very rough looking yucca. WOuld it come back if I were to simply mow it down? ANy other suggestions? I have attached a photo. WE live in the Detroit Mi area. THank you.
Yucca plants, when established, can be one of those plants that are nearly impossible to get rid of because of the massive underground root system they form. Mow it down, it'll come back. Dig it up, it'll come back if you leave any bit of that root system still in the ground. In your case, it may be overcrowding and choking itself out and digging up part of it, or dividing it will probably help it to grow better. Where I live in WI, I've had that same variety of yucca in my yard and spent 3yrs trying to get rid of it. All my efforts of mowing it and digging it up only seemed to make it come back looking better each year, lol. In the end, the yucca won the battle.