Q.Care of Sago Palm
I transplanted my sago palm a few months ago and with the advice of a garden centre used the proper soil and I am using a fertilizer once a month as I was directed. It gets the proper amount of sun and adequate drainage. New fronds developed very quickly after I bought it but now the four new fronds have turned yellow and are basically dead. I have been told not to remove the fronds as it will hurt the main plant but I am seeking your advice on this. Can I remove the new fronds and do I cut them off close to the base of top of the trunk, which by the way is very healthy as are the main fronds. Please advise on this. Thank you. Susan
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yes, you can remove any yellowing fronds but leave the green ones alone. This article will help you determine why the fronds may be turning yellow and what can be done: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/plant-leaves-turn-yellow.htm