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Hyacinth Plant

Q.care of norfolk pine

Zone Oklahoma | pine added on June 6, 2012 | Answered

1. What to do when an occasional main branch of a small norfolk pine (table top) dries up rather completely and then is easily removed?

2. My large, floor size norfolk has been losing the small needle branches of the large bottom branches though they are nice and green. What causes this?

3. I was told by a garden center that one should use an acid fertilizer for norfolk pines. Is that correct?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 11, 2012

For 1 & 2, both could be caused by a fungus. Treat the plant with a fungicide. Also, it could be a watering issue. Make sure that you are only watering when the top of the soil just dry to the touch.

As for 3, yes, they do enjoy acidic soil and a mildly acidic fertilizer for indoor plants would be ok. Just don't do too much as the acid can build up in the soil over time and become too much for the plant.

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