Q.Care of My Calla Lily
We have a purple throated calla lily, which was magnificent and planted it in our solarium in the soil. Since planting, the purple is fading. The plant stays mostly in shade but gets a little sun, in the early morning. I see a leaf is browning also. What am I doing wrong?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It sounds like it may have a bit of transplant shock. The purple fading is the flower itself dying, which is common for plants in shock. They tend to jettison the flowers first in an effort to conserve energy. The leaves are then affected next.
Increase water and give it a a little bit of sugar. Mostly it just needs time and may lose its flowers regardless of what you do. This article may also help:
You may also be interested in this article on how to get callas to rebloom: