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Kiwi Vines

Q.Care of Kiwi Plant

Anonymous added on May 9, 2011 | Answered

I recently purchased two kiwi plants. One male and one female. We planted them according to the directions provided with the plant. However, after about three weeks, the male plant is having a problem with leaves turning brown to black and just wilting. We live in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the US. What do we need to do to help this plant? We have a trellis for it to climb on, we have mulched around it and water it occassionally. They are planted in the direct sun as the package said they needed 6-8 hrs of sunlight.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 9, 2011

Move the male plant. In some varieties of kiwi, the female plant is toxic to the male. Move the male about 10 or more feet away and it should recover.

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