Q.Care of Helianthemum Rock Rose
I have a few Helianthemum Rock Rose plants measuring about 3″ x. 2″ . They are in pots and i just put them outside in the daytime bringing in unheated conservatory at night. I am wondering if i am keeping them too moist as i do tend to over water than under water. Am i doing the right thing for these plants please. Any helpful advice appreciated
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
No matter the plant, underwatering is far better than overwatering. This is the leading cause of infection in plants, and should be avoided. Without a photo, though, it will be hard to say.
Since these are very drought tolerant, these will want to be VERY DRY before watering again. This article will give you a better idea of the care that these require: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/rockrose/how-to-grow-rockrose-shrubs.htm