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Amaryllis Plants

Q.Care for Amaryllis

Anonymous added on March 8, 2011 | Answered

Several days after my plant bloomed,  I discovered the stalk and the leaves have now bent over.  I could use information on its care. I’m unsure of how much stalk to cut back and if i need to cut the leaves. This is a potted indoor plant, and it’s the first season, as I received it as a Christmas gift.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 9, 2011

The stalk bending can be caused by too little water or too little light. For future reference, you can prop the stalk back up and enjoy the flower from it for a bit longer.

Once the flowers have faded, you can trim the stalk back to the bulb. Leave the leaves until they have turned yellow. The leaves are how they make enough energy to bloom next year, so you don't want to cut them off before they are dead. This article hasmore care information:

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