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Pepper Plant


Zone Auckland | Auckland added on January 31, 2017 | Answered

My capsicum plant is bearing small, green, baby fruit that quickly developed dark brown splotches on their skin. These aren’t rotting or becoming holes and don’t look like any pictures I have seen of blossom rot or sunscald. The skin still looks healthy enough, just a different color. I am a first time grower and the plant was initially in full sunlight all day; however, as New Zealand summer kicked in, it has gotten ridiculously hot and I have just recently moved the plant into some shade so that it receives direct sunlight up until about 1pm. It was planted in potting mix and has not received any fertilizer, which I have just read is a smart idea. The soil has dried out a few times but it has been watered at least once a week every week. I have included some pictures in the hope that you can diagnose what is wrong with them and potentially give me any solutions to fixing the problem. Much appreciated!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 2, 2017

I don't there is anything wrong with your Pepper Plant!
They look very healthy.

I would first check the variety that you are growing. If these were from seed, the package will give you information on the type of peppers and the appearance of your peppers.

If you purchased plants, they often have a tag that lists the variety. You can search for specifics to that variety on just a simple Google search.

You very well may have a variety that is know as a black pepper or even purple.

Peppers are often harvested at the green stage of ripeness but eventually your pepper will turn red or other colors.
For Peppers that turn purple, this is often a 7 to 10 day phase as they began to turn or ripen to red. Temperature plays a big role in the ripening of Peppers. There ideal temps are in the 65 to 75 F degree range.

These articles will help you with care information.


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