The planting guide says “well draining soil,” but I live in Texas (north of Houston) and these things are growing all over the place. We have clay soil. And they will grow in clay soil. But clay isn’t especially well-draining. This seems a contradiction. I planned on planting them along with Rhododendron, hummingbird bush and a few other things, in an area of the yard that is sunny and has irrigation, and I’m wondering if this is even going to work, or will I need to enhance the soil…or come up with a different plan altogether. I’m new to gardening and some of the information I find online is contradictory, so I’m a bit flummoxed. I hope you can steer me in the right direction.

Canna Lily can do well in clay soil. One of the keys is to not plant to deeply, you can plant them about 2" deep.