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Canna Lilies

Q.Canna lily seedlings

Zone Streator, IL zone 5b | Michelle Rochon added on April 5, 2018 | Answered

I was successful in harvesting and germinating canna lily seeds from last year. I planted each seed in Jiffy seed starting mixture in recycled bottles (I have attached a photo). On each of the seedlings which have produced a single leaf, some have begun to yellow and one has begun to curl.

Is it possible I need more soil to my makeshift containers or should I transfer them to larger container until I can transfer outside (I live in zone 5b, started process March 1, which is about eight weeks before last schedule frost date)?

Or is it possible they need an amendment since I am watering by wicking the water into my “containers”?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 5, 2018

It is worth mentioning that you will want to keep these inside until after the last frost, as well.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 5, 2018

This mixture will not contain enough nutrients to sustain a seedling for very long. It is meant to start in, then to be planted as soon as it is sprouted into something with nutrients. There are many soil mixes, and soil-less mixes on the market, and most will be just fine. Just be sure to let them dry out a little between watering. Just don't let them dry completely. Peat moss becomes hydrophobic and repels water once it dries completely.

I don't usually recommend companies or soils, but in this case I will. Foxfarm makes a soil called "CocoLoco" and is a very good mixture. Why, technically, soilless, it is a blend of coco choir and some amendments for plenty of nutrients.

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