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Canna Lilies

Q.canna lilies

Zone 19440 | fmar4321 added on April 22, 2016 | Answered

I moved potted canna lilies inside this winter and let the leaves stay alive and green. Now that it’s spring/summer, what should I do to maintain them? Can I cut/split them up and repot them? Should I cut the leaves off and new sprouts will grow? I learned from reading about them after the fact that I should of let them die off and wintered the bulbs… next year. How can I get them to flower this season?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 24, 2016

I would leave the Canna Lilies for now and let them grow for this season.
Then when done flowering follow the instructions for letting the plants go dormant and then plant division.


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