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Canna Lilies

Q.Canna lillies

Zone Rockwall, Texas | Anonymous added on November 12, 2017 | Answered

What do I do after each bloom has dried up and died off? Do I just cut it off, if so, how far? To the stalk? Some plants have a green spiky ball at the top. What is this? Leave it alone until it dries up? We live in Texas and just moved into a house with these in the back yard. I am new to this variety of flower and need to know how to care for them after

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 13, 2017

When the flowers on one flower spike have died, you can "deadhead" or cut the spike just below the flowers. This will promote additional flower production. The green spiky ball is the canna seed pod. You can cut it off to promote more flowering. Or, you can wait for it to mature, then save the seeds for future planting:


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