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Canna Lilies

Q.Canna Bulb

Zone Southern Ontario Canada | blais_johanne_2 added on October 24, 2015 | Answered

I’m a first time gardener with canna and I fell upon a giant and a beauty. I want to store them for the winter but, unfortunately, it’s October now so I decided to cut everything off and leave about a foot of the stems on. I did wash them and they’re drying them now. Will they still be ok? I guess I was supposed to wait for the foliage to die back?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 26, 2015

Leaving the Canna in the ground until the first few light frosts lets the bulbs store as much energy as they can.
If your bulbs dry and store with no issues, you will likely have no issues, perhaps just not as much growth or flowers as if you left them in longer.
We as gardeners are always learning!


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