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Sweet Potato Plants

Q.Can You Save Split Sweet Potatoes?

Zone 54929 | Chelseagec@gmail.com added on September 21, 2024 | Answered

I read your article on why my sweet potatoes most likely split, but you didn’t tell me what to do with them. Can I still cure and save them? Or did I lose most of my crop? Thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 23, 2024

Yes, you can still cure and save split sweet potatoes. Splitting typically happens due to inconsistent watering, but split sweet potatoes are still edible and can be cured like undamaged ones. After harvesting, cure them in a warm, humid environment (85°F, 85-90% humidity) for 7-10 days to heal the skin, then move them to a cooler, dry place for long-term storage. Although split sweet potatoes won't last as long, prioritize using them first, trimming off any spoiled parts if necessary. They remain perfectly safe to eat and enjoy.

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