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Soil Amendments

Q.Can You Safely Mix Miracle Grow Garden Soil And Black Kow?

Zone 28112 | Anonymous added on April 18, 2021 | Answered

I have clay soil in a shaded area that has benefited from at least 40 years of leaf mulch. This area has several inches of good top soil. I mixed a bag of Black Kow with a bag of miracle grow garden soil together. Then I threw several handfuls of mixture into the hole, placed my hostas in hole and filled in hole with the same mixture. Have I just burned up these plants with too much fertilizer? I’m tempted to now immediately go dig it all up and mix with native soil and replant. Help please

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 19, 2021

It should be fine. I looked it up and it says the product will not burn roots, the nutrients are released slowly.

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