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Q.Can you provide any tips to help my cactus?

Zone 32097 | eehersch added on June 18, 2019 | Answered

We purchased our favorite cactus 6 months ago upon moving to Florida, and the big guy is rapidly growing! We’re blown away. It has started to lean and expand on the top, and I’m getting worried it may topple over. Can you please share any tips on how to best care for our cactus? I have been watering it probably every third day, so maybe too much water? It’s located on a patio with partial sun, in northern FL.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 18, 2019

They will continue to lean in response to light. What you can do is turn it often in the opposite direction, or in quarter turns. This will keep it somewhat straight, and from falling over.

This article will help you with the general care of cacti: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/cacti-succulents/scgen/cacti-succulents-inside-your-home.htm

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