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Hyacinth Plant

Q.propagate Purple Fountain grass by the little offshoots

Zone Maryland | suesgotglass added on July 3, 2015 | Answered

Can you propagate Purple Fountain grass by the little offshoots that look like spider plant offshoots? I have numerous purple fountain grasses doing nicely but I know they will not survive our winters (past experience and we live in Maryland). I’ve read about the various procedures for propagating them indoors over the winter months. But I can’t find any mention as to whether or not it’s possible to propagate them by cutting off the existing above ground offshoots (that look much like the offshoots from a spider plant). These offshoots already have little nodules that look like roots, and then putting them in water until more roots form, and then planting them in pots inside so they can spend the winter in the basement. Can I propagate from these offshoots?

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Answered on July 3, 2015
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