Q.Can you please recommend the ingredients needed- like Compost, Bonemeal etc, and also the ratio of each item -in order to grow big
ger and more plentiful flowers? Hello,
In Fall 2016, I had planted different varieties of hydrangeas, hardy Hibiscus, Roses and Peonies. Now, all of them are established flowering shrubs and standards. As part of spring-care, I want to enrich soil around my flowering shrubs.
Can you please recommend the ingredients needed- like Compost, Bonemeal etc, and also the ratio of each item -in order to grow bigger and more plentiful flowers?
Thanking you in advance,

Every garden soil is different. A soil test and Rx for mineral and biological amendments is the only way to avoid guess work and address actual deficiencies found in the laboratory analysis.
Mulch the soil surface with 2 or 3 inches of compost.