Q.Can You Please Help With Our Cherry Blossom? It Flowers Out Of Season And Looks Very Unhappy The Rest Of The Year.
The plant was in a large pot for 4 years, as we moved home until we bought a house. It has been in the ground for the past 5 years with. Very little growth, it’s blossoms but only a little and is in general unhappy state. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It sounds like you may have the wrong cherry type for your area. Your climate is most equivalent to our USDA zone 9, which there aren't many cherry cultivars that do well there. It doesn't get cold enough, or stay cold enough for most cherry trees to flower, properly.
This problem will likely not be resolved unless another cultivar is chosen for the spot.
Here is an article that will help you understand the cooling requirements for cherry trees: