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Hyacinth Plant

Q.can you plant a new rose bush in same hole where another rose bush grew

Zone Austin, Texas | rosefool added on February 23, 2015 | Answered

Can you take an old rose bush out of the ground and plant a NEW rose bush into the same hole?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 28, 2015

Yes you can. I usually dig out most of the soils in the planting hole at least 6 inches wider than the current base of the old rosebush and 24 inches deep. Place those soils in a wheel barrel and using a small garden rake or fork sort through the soils removing all roots or rootlets as best you can. Add some bagged amended garden soil and some compost from your own compost pile or bagged compost. Mix the soils you dug out with the amended soils and compost, about a 50-50 mix, well. Place about 4 inches of the amended soils at the bottom of the planting hole and tamp in lightly. Sprinkle Two to Three tablespoons of Super Phosphate or bone meal on top of those soils. Place your new rosebush in the planting hole to gauge the depth needed. If the depth is fine, fill in with the amended soils, watering things a bit once the new rosebush planting soils hole is about half full. Sprinkle in 1/3 cup of alfalfa meal if you have some and finish filling the hole. I like to water in new rosebushes with some Moo Poo Tea, which is created by letting a Moo Poo tea bag sit in a five gallon bucket of water for 3 to 4 days prior to doing the actual planting. It really gets them off to a nice start. You can also add a teaspoon or two of a product called Super Thrive to the moo poo tea or plain watering in water to help eliminate the planting/transplanting shock. I get the Moo Poo tea from Annie Haven, at Haven Brand Products. If you do an on-line search for Moo Poo Tea or Haven Brand products, you should find it. Tell Annie that Stan the Rose Man sent you. She is a wonderful lady.

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