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Cherry Tomatoes

Q.Growing Tomato Plants Indoors Indefinitely

Lawyerlady added on July 13, 2011 | Answered

Can you keep the same tomato plants growing indoors indefinitely? A dear friend gave me some tomato seedlings a few years ago, even though I live in a high rise. I have been fairly successful in getting cherry tomatoes from the progeny of those first seedlings, and the whole project has become very important to me because the friend who gave me the first generation of seedlings has since died of throat cancer. So I make it a point to save the seeds and grow them every summer (I think I am in the 5th generation now). Anyway, even though there is obviously no frost in my apartment (it’s a very sunny apartment), the plants turn yellow and die off every fall. Is this just a part of the tomato growth cycle, or am I getting some kind of blight every fall? Thank you.

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Answered on July 16, 2011
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