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Plant Identification

Q.Can You Identify a Pink and green Ivy?

Zone 8 ? | Tresia added on September 11, 2012 | Answered

I was recently at Moody Gardens in Galveston Tx. And saw a beautiful plant that I am 99% sure was an ivy of some sort. It had hot pink and green leaves that were shaped like the common houseplant ivy. No speckles or variegation, just solid color. Can someone identify this for me? I would be most appreciative. Oh, and where can I buy one?

Thanks, Tresia

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 12, 2012

Whoa. I can't find any reference to such a critter. Why don't you contact Moody Gardens and ask them what it is and where you can get some. Then let the rest of us know.

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