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Spider Plants

Q.Can You Grow A Spider Plant Offshoot Only In Water Forever?

Zone 92110 | Anonymous added on June 1, 2021 | Answered

I put some spider plant offshoots in water to propogate a few weeks ago, and didn’t have the time to put it in soil and now the roots are very developed and it is even starting to have an offshoot of its own. Would i be able to keep the spider plant growing in water? I’m worried that if I put it in soil it will go through shock and not make the transfer to soil because i have kept it in water for so long. If not, is there a way I can ease the plant into soil so that it does not go through shock?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 7, 2021

You can leave it in water, but then you will have to fertilize monthly and change water frequently. It doesn't look like it's been in water too long. I suggest putting it in potting soil. It may struggle at first, but should acclimate in time.


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