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Vegetable Gardening

Q.walnut leaves

Zone Norvelt, S W Pa 15674 | Thomas Surlas added on February 13, 2017 | Answered

Can walnut leaves harm the ground in my tomato and pepper growing area? I dumped a pile in there after the leaves fell and covered them with contractor plastic. I intended to burn them there, but I’ve been asking questions if they would harm the ground like that or would it be better to burn them and till them in OR remove them to burn on the back property as trash? Is the mixture of walnut, maple, magnolia and other leaves better to keep out of growing area or would their ash benefit the ground?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 18, 2017

I would remove the Black Walnut leaves from your vegetable bed.

I myself have several Black Walnut trees and choose not to compost the leaves in my regular compost area. I have a separate area on my property for the waste from these trees.
Burning is an option but not necessary.
Here are some links with more information.


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