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Q.Can Sweet Peas Drop Over A Wall Instead Of Climbing?

Zone Dedham Iowa 51440 | Anonymous added on March 29, 2023 | Answered

We have a retaining wall that is about 7 ft. tall. Was wondering if we could plant sweet peas on top and let it drape over the wall and let it go down the wall instead of climbing the wall. We live in western Iowa. The top of the wall is in full sunlight until about 1:00pm. The wall they would be going down is on the north side, so the planted part of plant would have direct sunlight, but the rest would be in the shade for the most part. Or should we plant at the bottom of the wall and let them grow up, but remember it’s on the north side. Also if planted at bottom would they grow up wall or would they need wires or something to attach to?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 30, 2023

The vining type should cascade down the wall. However, the article below says to avoid planting near walls because it would prevent air circulation. If grown at the ground it would need help getting up the wall with mesh or strings. Have you ever grown sweet potato vines? There are several to choose from and they cascade nicely down walls.




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