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Squash Plants

Q.Can Squash Be Planted On Side Of Hill And Grow Over Mulch So As To Keep Them Off The Prairie Grass And Soil?

Zone Mound City, Missouri 64470 | Lkgocken added on April 27, 2020 | Answered

I will create a 3 sided box on the side of a hill which has pasture grass and was afraid it may be more susceptible to insects on the grass. Has anyone used black landscape cloth and mulch as the space over which the vine and fruit can grow?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 29, 2020

Either way would harbor their own set of insects. They usually don't take much issue with growing along the ground, as this is how they would grow in nature. Mulch would, definitely, make it easier to maintain the weed population.

Another thought would be to grow them on trellis. I do this with beans, quite often, and it would work for squash, as well. Bamboo makes a nice, inexpensive trellis.

Here are some articles that will help:



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