Q.Can Rose Bushes Self Seed In The Garden
I had a florabunda rose bush that died last year and in working up the ground this year I found what looks like a new rose bush growing about a foot away from where the old rose bush died. Is it possible for a rose bush to self seed in a garden?

Usually what happens is that the hardy root stock from a grafted rose sends up some growth of its own. Even if the rosebush that died was dug out, there may have been just enough root left for the hardy root stock rose to try to grow. Many times the root stock roses are of a type that can become invasive monsters on their own, so I would dig it out or prune it down well under the soils surface. Then plant a rosebush that you know what it is to enjoy. I learned the hard way about this surprise growth. Yes, some Species roses can reseed in the garden from seeds the birds pecked out of their rose hips and did not eat.