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Q.Can Plants With A Disease Be Removed And New Different Things Planted Or Does The Soil Need Treated

Zone 84043 | cj0927 added on July 10, 2020 | Answered

7 variegated dogwoods all have some disease, leaves all misshaped. Local garden center said they needed a copper based spray. The HOA did that and cut the shrubs was back. They are regrowing and leaves are once again diseased looking. ?- can I get rid of this problem by removing the sick plants and putting different variety of plants in this area or do i need to treat the soil first? Thank-you.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 13, 2020

Depending on the type of disease that it is, it may spread to other trees and shrubs, or even herbaceous plants.

For the best chance at success, I would treat the soil multiple times, as once is almost never enough. Planting something, completely, unrelated can help. Just be aware that many diseases can transfer from one genus to another.

Your local extension service may be a better source of proper information than the HOA, and this page will help you to find the closest to you:


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