Q.Can our 30 yr. old Linden Tree survive bear damage
We live in the country. A bear climbed our beautiful, healthy Linden Tree, and broke many of the big branches on the east side of the tree. It stands over 30 ft. tall. We had a lot of flowers on it this summer, so I am thinking the bear could have been attracted to the dried pods? Is there any chance this tree will survive? Must we cut the broken branches? We live in a northern climate, and the temperatures will be in constant below zero temperatures come mid October. We are heartbroken over this incident, and would like some advice or thoughts on this. I’m sure pictures would help, but I do not have the heart to take any right now. Please advise. Thanks. Henri.

I'm sorry about the damage to your linden tree. In this situation, a professional arborist should be consulted. Torn limbs must be pruned or recut in a manner that allows the tree to heal itself before pests and disease take over. You need an honest opinion on whether the tree is worth saving; an experienced arborist will know.