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Night Blooming Cereus

Q.Can Neem Oil Be Used On Night Blooming Cereus?

Zone Eatonton ga 31024 | Nancybass added on October 29, 2020 | Answered

I have a night blooming cereus that has always been healthy but looks as if something is eating on it not sure what I need to use on it somethings I have read say spray with neem oil extract others say not. Any advice or help please.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 30, 2020

I would try other things before I would try Neem oil. It can be a bit harsh on many plants. If you do decide to try Neem, make sure that you try it on a very small portion of the plant, first.

Here are some articles to offer more ways of dealing with insect pests:



Here is an article to help you with the care of the plant:


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