Q.Can My Stephonitis Be Revived?
Most of the leaves have fallen off gut I have around 7 leaves that are nice and green left. The plant was a gift from my daughter so I really don’t want to lost it. It came “wrapped around” a semi-circularly wire trellis in a pot. The vines were beautiful and the flowers aromatic. Once they stopped blooming, they never bloomed again and most of the leaves fell off. What can I do to save this precious plant?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
They are a fussy plant, so you will need to commit to its needs. One is high humidity. You can achieve that with a pebble tray. Set the pot on a tray filled with water and pebbles so the pot is on the pebbles and out of the water. You don't want the water to reabsorb.
Do you have a pot within a pot? It's hard to tell in the photo. If so, be sure the drained water is discarded within 30 minutes of watering.
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