It depends on how dried out and dead the roses are. If there are still good green canes and some good foliage, then there is a chance. If the canes are all dried out and showing the signs of being withered and turning to brown, then perhaps not. My suggestion would be to water the rose garden well with some water that has Super Thrive added to it. If you cannot find the product Super Thrive where you are, look for it on Ebay or and order some in. Also obtain a good root stimulator product. Add both items to the water you water the rose garden with the next 4 to 5 times the garden needs watering. Prune out all the dead and withering cane material down to where good healthy material exists. Prior to one of the waterings, sprinkle 1/3 cup of Epsom Salts around each rosebush and scratch lightly into the soils. If this does not bring the rosebushes back, it is time to dig out all the old rosebushes and plants and replant it with some you always wanted to try. Or replant favorites and mix in some new ones.
Answered on September 13, 2019
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