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Mango Trees

Q.Can I Use Lime Sulfur On Mangos With Fruit And Fig Tree

Zone Coffs Harbour 2450 | sophiamostyn added on December 7, 2019 | Answered

Can I use lime sulfur on mangos and fig tree that have fruit

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 9, 2019

Try and avoid the fruit, but make sure that your solution is VERY diluted out. Using this during the growing season requires special care. This article will help you to use this correctly:


An alternative, for when they are actively growing is a soil treatment. Use DOLOMITIC LIME and WETTABLE SULFUR together in the soil and water in.

This basically has a similar effect, but it is being taken up by the roots and can be added at any time.

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