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Pine Trees

Q.Can I Transplant A Baby Skyrocket Pencil Pine ?

Zone 2250 Gosford NSW | Anonymous added on October 6, 2021 | Answered

i planted the pine about 2 months ago, it is still very small. But i planted too close to the wall (referring to right hand side pine) and want to plant it on right side of this bed, as it will also create a more finished border at edge. can i transplant? if so; how? any suggestions of what to do with these beds is appreciated. they are at front on house, full sun. i dont want plants/hedge etc any higher than 1m, or else it block view from windows. but feel it needs something extra . only have some small leaf hedge/ground cover ATM. attached a full house image before plants were planted to give you an idea of the setting.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 7, 2021

Yes, you can dig it up and replant it anytime. You can add some other small evergreens or even Knock Out roses or groundcover roses. Small broadleaf evergreens like boxwood or hollies would work well, too.

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