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Q.Can I Stunt A Norfolk Island Pine?

Zone Homosassa Springs, FL | Anonymous added on November 2, 2022 | Answered

I live in Florida and have a Norfolk Island Pine that I bought in 2019, that is now 6′ tall. We live in a recreational vehicle, so it lives outdoors, and is thriving. I would like to keep it at this height, because it is getting difficult to move around. And it is a perfect. It is root bound and needs to be transplanted, but really heavy. Would really appreciate a response. Have no idea what to do. I have seen some that were planted in this state years ago that are over 30′, and they look gangly.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 16, 2022

You can try root pruning to keep it in the same container for a while longer. Here is how:


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