Q.can I safely use cedar shavings as mulch around sago plants? What is the best way to keep my male dog away from sago plants?
My dog likes to ‘water’ 1 of the plants, but 3 others don’t look very healthy. they have been in their current sites for more than 3 years, starting as pups off of a parent sago (different location)
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Depending on where you source these chips, they may not be washed, or leeched of acid. This will cause many deficiencies in the sago, usually starting with manganese. The ammonia in the dog urine will also acidify the soil, which will further the problem.
Although urine can be used as a fertilizer, it is usually 1 part urine to 20 parts water... So, flushing out the area with massive amounts of water can also help, but you will still want dolomitic lime to bring that pH up quite a bit.
If you can keep up with dilution without overwatering, then I think it will be ok. Otherwise, I recommend a fence far enough around the trees to protect them.