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Olive Trees

Q.Can I Repot My Quite Mature Olive Trees Into A SELF WATERING Container?

Zone GU25 4HN | janet.pentreath added on July 25, 2021 | Answered

I understand that the root system of the olive tree does not like to be in water so this self watering pot seems to be ideal. The watering is done through a funnel which goes down to a separated water reservoir which is separated from the actual plant and the plant gets it’s water in a more natural way. I hope you can help me with some expert advice.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 26, 2021

I would opt for a standard container. Watering when needed is better than standing water, as standing water can have a tendency to facilitate infection. You're container will need to contain drainage holes. This will allow all extra water to leave the container, which will mitigate overly saturated soils.

Just make sure that the soil is COMPLETELY DRY down to about 3 inches between waterings. Below this should be slightly moist.

The top of the soil needs to alternate between moist and dry in order to prevent infections, and to promote beneficial microbe growth. If you are not able to determine moisture at that soil depth, then a meter can help. These articles will help:



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