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Q.Can I Regrow An Ocotillo If I Cut It To The Ground?

Zone 85209 | Anonymous added on February 5, 2023 | Answered

I recently purchased a home with an Ocotillo and unfortunately someone has topped it to be about 5 ft. I is mostly green and looks fairly healthy. What I have read is that you should never top them and if pruned they should be cut at the base. My question is, if I was to cut the entire plant to the ground would it produce more sticks and on an average how much do they grow each year? It really looks pretty healthy. I don’t know if I should just tear it out and start over with a new one. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 6, 2023

I would be hesitant to cut all of it to the ground. You should however cut out broken or dead canes at ground level. You could try a slow rejuvenation by cutting out two or three canes and see if they regrow. If they do, the next year cut out a couple more and so on till they have all been replaced.


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